Northern Michigan Inter-Area "N.M.I.A."
Members of Groups, General Service Representatives and District Committee Chairs Come and Share What's Happening in Their AA Communities.
Northern Michigan Inter Area Statement of Purpose
According to the 12th Step ... "To carry the message to other alcoholics is our primary purpose",
This accomplished by:
1) SERVICE- We assist the local area groups with solving any problems they experience at their AA meetings. We provide a forum for those who wish to go into service work. Our Western Michigan Area 34 Delegate keeps us up-to-date on the latest information from Western Michigan Area Assembly 34 and the General Service Office (G.S.O.) located in New York.
2) UNITY- By having an Inter Area Meeting, we provide a means of balancing the practices of the various groups and unity is the result. The Inter Area Meeting makes clear we are a part of something greater than ourselves.
3) FELLOWSHIP- The potluck following the business meeting is really an enjoyable time for us to be together. Our annual Spring Roundup provides all of the above on an even larger scale.
CONSISTS OF- All members of Alcoholics Anonymous who wish to attend; Districts 9, 10, 11 , 12, 13, 15, 16 and 18 of Western Michigan Area Assembly 34, their General Service Representatives, District Committee Members, and any and all Members of Alcoholics Anonymous within these Districts. In general the Northern Michigan Inter Area provides a means for the groups in the northern region to get involved and for those individuals who wish to strengthen their sobriety by service work. Their talents will be put to work in the various committees and activities throughout the year. It also provides an educational place in getting to know the inner workings of AA as a whole. If You Would Like To Get Involved: The NMIA Meets at Various Locations in the Northern Districts the First Sunday of Every Month HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!